Vagrant - Multi-Machine-Multi-Environment

Vagrant - Multi-Machine-Multi-Environment

Vagrant is a very good tool in defining and controling multiple guest per Vagrantfile. When you need to have another set of multiple guest, you need to create another Vagrantfile.

Why don't we use a single Vagrantfile for Multi-Machine and Multi-Environment?

Here is why you can use this repo. We YAMLize Vagrant's Multi-Machine setting into multiple .yml files in envs/ folder. Each .yml represents an environment.


  • Vagrant-vbguest
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest


There is thyvagrant shell script, it's just a wrapper to vagrant binary file.

You use thyvagrant the same way with how you run vagrant command but with additional VAGRANT_ENV variable to configure which environment vagrant will use.

You can either put VAGRANT_ENV in front of thyvagrant; or export it first and run thyvagrant separately

$ VAGRANT_ENV=docker ./thyvagrant status
Vagrant environment: docker
Current machine states:

docker                    poweroff (virtualbox)
docker2                   not created (virtualbox)

This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
above with their current state. For more information about a specific
VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.

$ export VAGRANT_ENV=docker 
$ ./thyvagrant status
Vagrant environment: docker
Current machine states:

docker                    poweroff (virtualbox)
docker2                   not created (virtualbox)

This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
above with their current state. For more information about a specific
VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.

Environment files

  • It's stored in envs/<VAGRANT_ENV>.yml.
  • Default environment is main.yml, when you run thyvagrant without VAGRANT_ENV set.

Sample for an environment with two docker hosts (env/docker.yml)

  - name      : docker
    memory    : 1024
    primary   : true
    autostart : true
    - type: private
    - type: public

  - name      : docker2
    memory    : 4096
    - type: private
    - type: public

  vbguest.auto_update : true
  box:  centos/7

It's still under development

It's still under development and not well tested yet :)

  • Updates and enhancements keep coming.
  • It's tested in Ubuntu. I don't foresee any issue with using it on another Linux distribution.
  • Further testing need to be done on MacOS/Windows